Endless opportunities.
Remotely provides the ability to manage the unmanageable. Know your edge. Identify Security, Risk, Compliance, and Productivity gaps in your remote work strategy.
Remotely is Reliability scanning and scoring your workforce, bridging gaps, and saving companies money.
Ready to see Remotely?
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Save Time with Remotely
Within 30 seconds of logging into Remotely, we make 951 API calls across your Azure hyper-scale infrastructure looking for Security, Exposure, Licensing, Compliance, and Patching information. We then deploy a powerful PowerShell agent to all endpoints you have targeted for risk analysis and discovery.
The Time is Now...
Book a demo to see the industry's only Azure native RMM* (Risk Mitigation & Management) in action.
If you rely on Microsoft, you can rely on Remotely.
From endpoint management, licensing, GRC, security, application lifecycle, VDI & DaaS, Helpdesk and more - knock down silo's.
Depend on data consistency and service availability.
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